Is there a summary report for prevailing wage projects?

There is a summary report in Points North Certified Payroll Reporting that shows all employees, what they were paid, and the total paid per prevailing wage project.

  1. From the Main menu bar, hover on Reporting, then select Summary Reports.
  2.  Select the Setup Summary Reports tab. 
  3.  Select Region, then select Nationwide, then select Job Summary Report
  4. Three new section, Report Options, Report Parameters, and Save Report will appear at the bottom of the page.
    1. Under Report Options, select or enter the appropriate options for the report:
      1. Choose a Project from the dropdown, or
      2. Include a Batch Name, or
      3.  check the box to Include non-certified projects.
    2. Under Report Parameters, check the box for Only include certified projects if only prevailing wage projects are needed on the report.
    3. Under Save Report and the Report Name field, enter the preferred file name.
  5. Select Save.

The page will automatically redirect to the Generate Summary Reports tab. 

  1.  The Generate Option dropdown provides the option to generate the report by Summary Report Name (default), ProjectBatchReport, or All. Select the appropriate option for the report.
  2. If a report was selected from Setup Summary Reports tab's Report Options, the project can be selected in the Report Option dropdown of the Generate Summary Reports tab.
  3. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the summary report. 
  4.  Select Generate
  5.  A download link for the summary report will appear in the browser's downloads.

Note: If a download link does not appear, make sure the browser settings allow pop-ups from the Points North Certified Payroll Reporting site.