How do I log in to Attendance Advisor?

There are two ways to log in, either directly with login credentials or via Single-Sign-On (SSO). Direct logins are available for clients utilizing importers and do not have the option for Single Sign-On (SSO). Clients using select data connections between payroll providers and Points North will log in from their payroll provider with Single Sign-On (SSO) instead of a direct login.

Direct Login

  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter the user's login credentials.
    1. Company Code is the payroll company code in Attendance Advisor.
    2. Login Name is the user's email address.
    3. Password must contain at least eight characters, including upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  3. Select Login.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

  1. Select Sign in with SSO to access the ADP Marketplace.
  2. Select My Apps.
  3. Select Attendance Advisor to access the platform.