How do I generate and review Federal 1095 forms?

Generate 1095 Forms

Follow the steps below to filter and generate 1095 forms.

  1. From the ACA Home Page, select 1095 Page. The 1095 Forms Print and File Status page appears with all the Employees loaded at the bottom of the page.
  2. If needed, use the filters  to view specific employees or location/employer. See the filter information below for more detail.
    Note: These filters are based on the setup of the organization and may vary based on the organization.
    1. Filter by Year: This filter is used for tax year/calendar year. The default year selected upon the page load is the "current" year which has 2024 as current until 3/31.
    2. Filter by Control Group: If using the default, Select Control Group will filter for the set group.
    3. Filter by Employer: If assigned to a set location, there may not be an option to filter for the whole company.  Admins can change location, and any changes to the Employer filter will automatically reflect on the location at the top of the page. 
    4. Filter by Department: Set this option to filter per department, for example, just Accounting.
    5. Filter by Employee: To print one employee, select that person from the drop down list.
  3. Generate the forms by selecting the Generate Forms for ..... button.

    Note: because the system has determined the employee does not require a form, manually created forms will not be submitted to the IRS.

  4. A window will appear asking "Are you sure you want to generate the forms for the selected filters? This may take a few minutes." Select Generate 1095 forms.
    1. Only employees who the system has determined require a form will have a form generated. 
    2. Employees who already have a form that has been generated will not receive a new form unless data in the system has changed since the existing form was generated. 
    3. If the system does not generate a form for an employee, the Create button can be used to create a blank 1095 form for the employee. Part I will be filled in, but Parts II and III will be blank. 

Review Forms

Forms can be reviewed after they are generated.

  1. From the Summary of Forms box, review the list for errors, then make corrections as needed. 
    1. If there are errors, select the error from the Summary of Forms list. The top error lists the number of forms with errors. Select the specific error to identify each form to correct. The forms with that error appears in the 1095 Form Details at the bottom of the page.
    2. Select View to fix the errors.
    3. If the data (for example, an incorrect SSN) is updated, remember to make the same change in the source of data, such as the payroll or benefits system. 
    4. Select the Employee name at the top of the page to open the user profile. Everything but Social Security Numbers (EIN) can be changed and will reflect in the system. 

  2. After the updates have been made, regenerate the 1095 form(s) by either selecting the main Generate Forms for .... button or by selecting the Re-Generate button for an individual employee from the bottom right side of the 1095 Form Details.

The forms can be submitted for distribution after they have been reviewed. (print and mail, email, or self-printed.