How do I edit an existing attendance violation or event?

Events can be edited, modified, or offset after an event is created.

Select Events/Adjustments from the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.

Select Modify on the event to be edited.

AA Modify Event

From this screen, an event can be offset or changed:

1.  Select Offset this Event, enter a Reason, then select Modify This Event.

Note:Reason is required when offsetting an event.

2.  Select Change this Event and choose the Event Type. Add the correct Duration in Minutes, Amount, and Event Cause, then click Modify This Event to save the changes. 

Note: all fields are required to have a value when changing an event. 

When an event is Offset, the Amount of points are crossed-out: 

When an event is Changed, the previous event’s points are crossed-out, and the new event is created: 

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