How do I create a new project?

The Projects/Jobs page is used to set up new projects and edit existing projects. Follow the steps below to create a new project.

  1. From the main menu bar, select Company Setup, then Projects/Jobs.

  2. From the Projects: Add/Edit Details screen, select New Project.

  3. Enter in the data for each required field that is in red.

  • Project Name: Enter the project title.
  • Project Code: Enter the project number that can be identified with this project, up to 50 alphanumeric characters (for example, L1234567SCHL). If using a payroll or time file, the project code in this field should match the code on the payroll or time file.
  • Start Date: Enter the first day that work was performed on this job site. This date will be used to calculate the Payroll Number that populates on certified payroll reports.
  • Prime Contractor/Sub Contractor: Select the appropriate button for this project to populate on certified payroll reports.

    Note:  The other fields are not required but can have data entered for certain certified payroll reports.

  4.   Select Save and Next.

  5.  Go to How do I add a certified payroll report to my project and begin at step 3, Associated Reports.