How do I configure a certified payroll report?

A project needs to be created and a report needs to be added before a report can be configured. For more information, see How do I create a new project and How do I add a certified payroll report to my project.

Note: If you are unsure what fields are needed in the report, contact your awarding body or prime contractor for more information. Points North representatives do not have information on what fields to include in a certified payroll report.

  1. From the main menu bar, select Company Setup, then select Projects/Jobs.
  2. From the Projects dropdown, select the project to modify.
  3. Select the Report Data tab.
  4. Enter the respective information in each field, as designated by the awarding body. Below is an example of report data for a federal WH347 report.
    1. The Contractor name and information do not need to be entered here unless they are different than the information entered on the Company Page. This information will auto-populate from the company’s profile within Points North and can be overridden by entering information on this page

      CPR Report Data 1

    2. The Report Options section is different for each type of report in the system. Please review the options carefully to identify which apply to a specific project and report.
    3. If a digital signature is needed, it can be configured by following these instructions, How do I set up a digital signature. CPR Report Data 2
  5. If there are additional reports to be configured for a project, select Save and Next to proceed to the project's next report. If there are no additional reports to configure, select Save Data.