Learn more about our unparalleled Full Service Certified Payroll Reporting offering for businesses of all sizes Click here to learn more

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Quickbooks Desktop

Complete Davis-Bacon Reports for Prevailing Wages

Quickly and accurately generate reports required by the Davis-Bacon Act for government construction contracts paying prevailing wages. Points North Certified Payroll Reporting® imports employee data and paycheck details directly from your payroll information in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll.

Simplify your reporting

Points North Certified Payroll Reporting uploads data and creates and delivers weekly reports with QuickBooks Desktop Payroll.


Stay compliant with labor laws

Certified Payroll Reporting helps manage all of the information required for prevailing wage/Davis-Bacon reporting: pay, deductions, fringes, and rate of pay.


Help save time and money

Free up employee bandwidth spent generating WH-347, state and local reports by hand.


Keep comprehensive reports

All reports generated remain available in your database forever, enabling you to access historical reports as needed. 


Integrate with QuickBooks Desktop Payroll

Export employee and payroll data from QuickBooks to Certified Payroll Reporting® in order generate weekly certified payroll reports providing the relevant government agencies proof of payment of prevailing wage.


Leverage Your Timekeeping Data

Certified Payroll Reporting accepts time data from QuickBooks Time and many other time tracking software solutions. This data will be incorporated into the certified payroll reports generated utilizing the employee and payroll data from QuickBooks Desktop.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about using QuickBooks Payroll and

Certified Payroll Reporting® together

Government Contract Quickbooks Partner